
Показано дописи з січень, 2015

The Unknown AutoMaidan. Episode 2 . Music Mobile - The Mouthpiece of the Revolution. - December 1, 2013. Zozulya Yuriy

Episode 2 - December 1, 2013 Music Mobile - The Mouthpiece of the Revolution After the students were beaten and Yanukovych refused to sign the association agreement with the European Union, people began gathering on Maidan, and a UDAR (HIT) deputy called me, asking to provide the music mobile we had used for wakeboarding sports events for the demonstrations. It was an improvised stage with 20 kW of sound, sufficient for loud activist speeches. In the cold weather, we needed to entertain people somehow, so we played upbeat music during breaks between speeches to keep them moving and dancing. That’s probably where the phrase “Who doesn’t jump is a Moskali” originated. Video 3 Later, we set up the stage, but our music mobile was damaged by SBU agents and provocateurs (with punctured tires, a broken radiator, and damaged loudspeakers), so we had to send it for repairs. Additionally, on the first day, Berkut arrested our music mobile driver; it was said to be the first arrest of an activi