The Unknown AutoMaidan. Episode 3. Disinformation and Greed. Zozulya Yuriy.

 Disinformation and Greed

Episode 3 -

Little did we, like cadets from a military aviation school, imagine that a boring lecture on tactics would one day play a crucial role in the revolutionary struggle against the criminal regime of the president. The name of this military cunning was DISINFORMATION, which was intended to mislead the enemy into reallocating their combat resources, thereby weakening certain areas. The idea came unexpectedly and became one of the building blocks of victory, perhaps even one of the most crucial ones. The goal of this disinformation was to exploit the fear and basic greed of the ruling elites.

Here’s how it unfolded.

For a month, the standoff on Hrushevskoho Street had been ongoing, with barricades burning. There had already been the first casualties. The impotent opposition was scrambling to find the best way to sell out to Yanukovych and secure more political dividends for themselves, while trying not to get exposed, as the people would tear them apart if they found out. AutoMaidan had been severely shaken; almost all the leaders were wanted, and only reckless activists remained. AutoMaidan operated in several groups: some were delivering tires, resin, helmets, shields for self-defense, medicines, and food to Maidan, and evacuating the wounded; others were searching for thugs and Berkut across Kyiv and blocking buses. Koba was mobilizing Europe and organizing protest actions, speaking at the Munich Security Conference (which even Putin's advisor Glazyev acknowledged as significant); Bulatov had been kidnapped, Hrytsenko was in hiding, running his operations from underground, and Senstov and other activists had moved to Maidan.

Our group was focused on coordinating Koba’s efforts abroad, assisting the wounded from Maidan (since they couldn’t be taken to hospitals because the police would seize them, we hid them at dachas and brought in loyal doctors; the famous conversation with the doctor that was intercepted by the SBU came from these interactions). From time to time, at the request of self-defense units, we brought tires, firewood, and supplies, but as the assault approached, it became harder as the elements delayed everyone with tires.

It was already clear that the situation on Hrushevskoho would result in a decisive battle, that the cowardly opposition was incapable of anything, and that once again, a simple self-defense fighter would be the initiator. It was evident that there would be bloodshed and an assault with a cleanup operation. Everyone was just guessing when it would happen. We knew that we were all under surveillance by the SBU and understood that we had two options: either go to prison or flee abroad.

So, a few days before the assault, we posted on our social media pages an instruction for AutoMaidan’s actions in the event of a Maidan assault.

The instruction was crafted more as a scare tactic. It essentially warned that if they dared to assault Maidan, AutoMaidan and the Right Sector would burn down their estates. Our last hope was that the greed and criminality of the regime would prevail, and they would hesitate to storm Maidan.

The assault on Maidan began on the night of February 18-19. But greed proved to be even more powerful than we had anticipated.

Kivalov's and Pshonka's Residences

It was clear that for the corrupt oligarchs and bandits, nothing was more valuable than their lairs (often grandiose estates) built with stolen public funds.

The assault had begun.

Video 4

Of course, almost all AutoMaidan vehicles were used for transporting tires and evacuating the wounded. At that time, station wagons, SUVs, and especially pickup trucks were highly valued. While tires became legendary, the real asset was the resin. It formed a bubbling, spreading barrier that couldn't be pushed aside or dragged away, only waited out or circumvented. The smoke from resin was also more toxic than that from tires, making it a kind of civic napalm. Fortunately, the wind was blowing towards the Berkut. We cut the resin at a warehouse in Kurenivka, then loaded it into bags for our vehicles, and transported it to the barricades through the backstreets.

Naturally, the exhausted and battered AutoMaidan had no resources left to deploy activists to the houses of the regime members outside the city, and the Right Sector was needed on Maidan. Thus, only a few teams were sent on a detour. Reports from all the detour points indicated that Berkut or police with buses were stationed at each exit, and in some places, several loaded Kamaz trucks blocked the roads.

We realized that our disinformation had worked, but it seemed pointless if we were still going to be swept away and cleaned out on Maidan.

By dawn, it became clear that the assault had stalled. The main reason cited was the lack of Berkut and police forces to complete the storm and the cleanup. Our headquarters celebrated—our disinformation had succeeded, and the greed of the regime had prevailed. Each regime figure, prioritizing their own interests over the common good, had pulled buses with Berkut away to protect their own estates, demonstrating that "my shirt is closer to my body." By doing so, they diverted and scattered the forces of the security services across their properties throughout the Kyiv region. While the impact of our disinformation might not have been monumental, it certainly played a role in the overall victory.

Then came the Black Thursday, February 20—the final convulsion of the regime. Unable to complete the cleanup, they started shooting. The Heavenly Hundred. Yanukovych's flight. The bandit regime fell. VICTORY!

Video 5

By then, it was possible to transport the wounded to hospitals. Surprisingly, our crews sometimes appeared in random video footage from those legendary days.

Video 6

AutoMaidan understood that after the victory, the real battle would begin—the fight among the cowardly opposition for the top prize on the graves of the Heavenly Hundred heroes. Yulia was already having a tantrum in her high heels and wheelchair, declaring, "I am willing to become president," while others realized they had brought a monster upon themselves. AutoMaidan prepared to transition into opposition against the new post-revolutionary authorities.

In our era of advanced information technology, a simple post on social media with disinformation can contribute to victory and change the course of history. The greed of the bandits, driven by the fear of losing their lairs, led to them losing everything.

As they say,


Yuriy Zozulya (businessman, philanthropist, public figure, founder and investor of Хpark, president Ukrainian Wake Federation UWF, officer)



X(twiter) (engl)

Tik-tok (link)

Youtube video blog (ukr engl) (link)

Google blog (ukr engl) (link)
Cenzor blog (engl) (link)
Telegram blog (link) 

Video playlist 10 circles of hell Investor in Ukraine (link)
Full chronology of events (link).

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