Weapons of the Ukrainian war. AR еxhibition


 Modern technologies of augmented reality allow you to experience the horrors of war on the streets of European cities.

 The enemy technique of the Russian aggressor in the squares is shocking and gives an idea of what the attack and occupation of cities by the Russians looks like, as well as what Ukrainians are currently feeling during the invasion.

 So that the war does not come to their home, such an effect of the presence of weapons in known places motivates Europeans to demand from their politicians to supply weapons to Ukraine.

For Ukrainians, broken Russian equipment is always a holiday and gives pleasant impressions, especially on Independence Day. With the help of the "free generation" fund of innovative defense technologies, the FreeGen team created a virtual exhibition of broken enemy equipment in augmented reality, which can be viewed up close and even concentrated in any part of the world, along with real weapons on display. 

To do this, you need to go to the FreeGen application for a virtual tour or selfie of the park, there are available 3D models of weapons in augmented reality, which you can install anywhere, and some are even animated.


 In addition to bright selfies against the background of enemy equipment, the virtual parade of weapons carries a very deep familiarity and recognition of equipment, and gives an idea of how it is used and carefully considered. Even secret samples that are not available to the public. 

It is very useful for training children and even familiarizing them with the weapons of victory - the famous foreign drones Bayraktars, three-axe howitzers, javelins, and jet Hymars. What is very interesting for education, first of all, for children and young people.

The virtual exhibition of weapons in the augmented reality of the frigen will allow you to look into the eyes of the terrible reality of the future, which can happen in European capitals, if racism is not stopped, and to acquaint the inhabitants of the countries of the world with NATO weapons that can protect them from it.

Happy Independence Day, Glory of Ukraine.

 Innovation Defense Technology Fund Free Generation Фонд оборонних інноваційних технологій "FreeGeneration" 

Donors and patrons will have a statue of honor and gratitude of the defenders installed at the entrance to the arms exhibition. fund bank accounts for donors реквизити фонду.

Yuriy Zozulya is the ideologue of the project  https://www.facebook.com/yzozul/  

Thank you for your support


https://freegen.games/ https://mixsport.pro/ua https://kyivmaps.com/ #FreeGenGroup 



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