The demands of the public movement Manifest 42 regarding the case of prosecutor Vinnikov


General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine and the Kyiv Court of Appeal

1. Choose a preventive measure in the form of custody of prosecutor Volodymyr Vinnikov, suspected of embezzling over 4 million hryvnias, arrested in criminal proceedings against the Medinova company.

2. Dismiss from office the father of Volodymyr Vinnikov, Mykola Vinnikov, who works as a prosecutor in the Department of Oversight of Laws in Criminal Proceedings of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and can influence the course of the investigation in which his son is accused.

3. To conduct a comprehensive inspection of the Holosiiv District Prosecutor's Office and bring to justice those who, by opening unfounded cases, systematically put pressure on entrepreneurs for corruption.

4. To carry out a comprehensive check of the availability of property and funds seized from entrepreneurs in places of storage and to report on its results to society.

President of Ukraine:

1. Reinstate the moratorium on searches and seizures of business accounts, unless the case concerns national security.

2. In case of further failure by the Prosecutor General's Office to implement the decision of the National Security Council, put into effect by Presidential Decree. 21/2024 of January 23, 2024, within three months, raise the question of the personal responsibility of Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin.









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