We are ready to pay three times more in taxes, but directly to specific units, rather than into the "budget pot" that is exploited by the authorities for corruption. Yuriy Zozulya

We are ready to pay three times more in taxes, but directly to specific units, rather than into the "budget pot" that is exploited by the authorities for corruption, funding rear-line security forces that attack us, and enriching pro-government deputies.

Since the early days of the war, all businesses and citizens of Ukraine have been contributing endlessly through volunteer efforts and donations to the Armed Forces, realizing that the government has squandered everything and there is no weaponry to defend the country. When local governments lost their income tax share, there was no increase in weapons for the units; instead, there was a rise in assets and criminal cases among corrupt officials. A direct contract with the units would address this distrust and motivate entrepreneurs to pay more.

You should see how all the taxes will go up.

We, as businessmen, are ready to pay more. When the war started, we realized that all of our military reserves were lost and stolen by the state, and we don’t have weapons

we have nothing to defend ourselves against the aggressor. We need international assistance, we have to go into debt.

But we took our own money and started buying drones, buying body armor and sending everything to the troops. This is the tax that we are paying, we pay willingly. We tell the guys, "You know, the local authorities have taken the personal income tax, which means that money was spent on drones. You should have more drones now, right?

And he answers: "Mr. Zozulya, if there was nothing before, now it has become even less." I said, "How? Wait a minute."

The local authority was paying money there, we brought you weapons and you used it by defending us.

Now our authority isn't paying any money because they say everything has been taken by the central government.

So, this weapon had to come from somewhere, but it still hasn’t appeared...

In other words, even those taxes on weapons that are collected

from businessmen seem to be absent. That is, no more weapons appear in the troops.

And the fact that we, for example, produce some products for the front

This state order. It's just a disaster. Everyone is afraid to sell.

The guys say: "Let's do it better through some volunteer funds, some non-state budget funds or give it through a sponsor. We will sell it to you and then everything will go to the units." Because if you will sell it to the state, through the defense procurement agency, then it is certain that in a month your enterprise will be closed.

Because they’ll find a penny there, just like in your case, if you showed it.

Even if there is no price increase, if there is no violation, they will first arrest your company, block all accounts, stop your activity and say: "And now we will do investigations for four months..."

Well it`s ok, yes there is a war at the front, but we are sitting in the rear. It`s safe" These are the rear prosecutors and investigators.

"It's warm here. The missile flies by, but it doesn't hit us"

"Therefore, sit down, take your time." And they are conducting an investigation.

And the defense enterprise is freezing.I am involved in business as well

I have a business called 'X-park,' and we also produce some defense-related products

In both of these businesses, there’s the same problem. In the business which seems not very important from an economic standpoint, but this business helps the front. This business is being reduced, and they’re making it so that we can’t pay the necessary amount of taxes.

And even those that work in defense are also being cut, and then the enterprises...

I have talented engineers, aviation engineers, they say:

"Mr. Zozulya, we will never sell anything to the state , we can make good weapons, but we will not do it for the state, the state is ungrateful, they will arrest us, they will make us guilty, even if they will not put us to the jail then they will drag us." And this thought that formed in the business industry in relation to the state, is the main one. The business is ready to give, take off its pants and give to the front, but give me a unit to which I will directly pay this money, this 5%. Give me a unit directly that you can look in the eyes and the guys can say to them: "Thank you for the body armor, for the car, etc." Then we will not pay 5%, but we will pay 10-20%.

Because then we know that the taxes did not go to the common treasury, which is being stolen, but when we see all this what and where. And now they tell us: "Take all your money and pay into the common treasury."

And then we see a lot of corruption cases, they simply stole everything, the taxes did not reach the front. And this is the main problem, no one believes them anymore.

Mr. Yuriy, let me read you something, the Ministry of Finance admitted that withdrawing the military personal income tax from the communities was not an effective solution.

Actually, among those managing the funds, there are some who have used exactly 0% of the revenues from the military personal income tax.

Yuriy Zozulya (businessman, philanthropist, public figure, founder and investor of Хpark, president Ukrainian Wake Federation UWF, officer)

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Video playlist 10 circles of hell Investor in Ukraine (link) 


Full chronology of events (link).


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